HW- Cold War Origins

Who is to blame for the start of the Cold War: The Soviet Union, U.S., or both ?

Explain in at least 2 paragraphs


  1. WGO

    Who is to blame for the start of the Cold War: The Soviet Union, U.S., or both ?
    Both the USSR and the U.S. were to blame for the start of the Cold War for many reasons. The U.S. didn't really treat the USSR like they treated Great Britain. Meaning that the U.S. didn't really trust the Soviet Union as an ally. This would lead to more distrust from both sides.
    The USSR is also to blame for the start of the Cold War. They also did not trust the U.S.. Even though the U.S. didn't trust them, they shouldn't have not trusted them back and just ask the U.S. to be more fair with them. Either way, the Cold War could have been prevented. Both the U.S. and The USSR should have accepted each other's difference and allied one another.

  2. A.Q.

    I think that the U.S. and the Soviet Union should both be blamed for starting the Cold War because both countries had opposing goals to change Europe. For the U.S., the Marshall Plan was put into place to contain communist expansion to Central and Eastern Europe where they followed a capitalist government. However, the Soviet Union wanted to expand totalitarian communism to Central and Eastern Europe and dominate the military forces over there as well.
    Additionally, Europe was considered to be divided by an "iron curtain". This saying meant that each side of Europe is subject to influence from the other side, which was either in the communist West or the capitalist East. The U.S. greatly supported Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union did the same for Western Europe. Overall, both countries wanted to have Europe the way they wanted it controlled and as a result, the Cold War started.

  3. I consider both sides are responsible for the start of the Cold War. One of the reasons why I consider both sides responsible for the Cold War is because both sides had different ideas. For example, the U.S. wanted to spread capitalism and democracy. The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism and totalitarianism . In addition both sides wanted different types of governments running Poland.

    Another reason why both sides are responsible for the war is because of the influence on other nations. For example, the U.S. had an influence on Eastern Europe with the Marshall plan, capitalism and democracy. Soviet Union had an influence on Western Europe with communism and totalitarianism. The tension between the two led to the creation of the Berlin Wall. Both sides tried to influence other nations with their economic and political systems which ended up leading to the Cold War.


  4. Who is to really blame? If you look at the scenario from a neutral perspective, you would say both sides. The Soviet Union was essentially trying to make their country less vulnerable of future invasions by securing Poland and other parts of Eastern Germany, however in doing so would spread their ideas of Communism. The democratic nations in this case didn't really have an issue with the Soviet Union trying to establish security for their country, because it is understandable,"We just got invaded by Germany, and we took some heavy damage on the home front" therefore that was understandable.
    It is common sense for a nation to try to establish a new strategy in the effort to secure their homefront. However the democratic nations did have an issue with the rise of Communism throughout the rest of Europe because countries like the U.S. and Great Britain, France did not want Communism to spread to their countries and to other parts of the world. The United States did not want for countries in Western Europe to turn to Communism in order to rebuild their country after the second world war devastated that region. The democratic nations did not favor, nor do they want Communism to spread at all.



  5. I believe that the Soviets started the cold war. This is because Russia took over eight countries in Europe. This angered the United States. Then to counter this, Americans started the Marshall Plan. This was to help prevent the spread of communism to those countries. This aided the countries that were dominated by Russia, hoping that they will go against communism. The United States’ goal was to attempt to rebuild the economies with the Marshall Plan.
    The Soviets started the war and America was just trying to stop it. The United States was just trying to help the countries in need by providing them with money so they can defeat communism. Thus, the Truman Doctrine was born. This doctrine states how the U.S will provide support to those nations that are threatened by communism. Therefore, the Soviets kicked off the war, while America was trying to prevent it.

  6. I believe that the blame for the cold war is the soviet union. Because at the end of WWII with the marshall plan was going under way. Since US and England were agreeing with the plan, soviet union was not. They wanted to block and prevent the marshall plan from happening.

    Also the cold war had to start with the arms race. Which started with the soviet union by making people began a mass production of firepower. Which also led to the US to answer back with their people to also begin with an arms race. But both countries couldn't use the missiles built because they could of actually destroyed the world.


  7. The Cold War wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the involvement of both the U.S and the Soviet Union. The U.S imposed the Marshall Plan as a way to influence their goals upon Europe and stop the spreading of communism. On the other hand, Stalin wanted to spread communism and dominate. Two parties are needed to form a conflict.
    This wasn't actually a physical war, but more of a political/military expansion. The Marshall Plan was to aid Europe after WW2 due to the fact that they needed to rebuild. Just as Germany did in WW1, Europe would look for some sort of way to stabilize and might have resorted to communism which is why this plan was enforced. The U.S also feared the attack of the U.S.SR using nuclear weapons. Both groups were needed to form this conflict. I believe that the Soviet Union had more to do with it, but still both groups had their own reasons. The U.S didn't want the spread of communism while the U.S.S.R wanted to dominate.

  8. H.J

    Blaming is what leads to many conflicts in the first place. The Soviets are majorly to be blamed for the Cold War, because their force spread of Communism was threatening Europe right after a World War. Stalin started reacting like Hitler, who tried to take over many lands by force. Stalin later built the Berlin Wall to stop people from escaping which was cruel because they people were trapped with Communism.
    On the other hand U.S and also to be blamed. because they should have tried to act before, and all that arm race and difference in systems made it even worse. Stalin knew how to play this game, and Truman had to end this treachery. The Truman Doctrine made Stalin mad, so he had to protect people from going towards democracy, which resulted in many deaths. The U.S also put itself in danger of a nuclear attack anytime, which meant millions of people would die worthless.

  9. I feel that both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were it be blamed for the Cold War. The mistrust the two countries had for eachother made this all inevitable.The U.S. have been against communism for decades, and with Stalin being a communist ruler, it created a conflict in this situation. Both countries had completely different political systems, making it hard for them to see eye to eye. The U.S. wanted to spread democracy and capitalism, which created markets for U.S. goods. The Soviets on the other hand believed in spreading communism and totalitarianism dominate.

    Because of these disagreements, the U.S. created the Truman Doctrine, which helped to limit communism by supporting countries threatened by it. As a result, the USSR created the Warsaw Pact, leading to the creation of the military buildup on both sides. The U.S. and the Soviet Union both lived in fear, waiting for the other to make a move first. It was a neutral war where both sides took part in creating.


  10. When talking about the origin of the Cold War, the Soviet Union is to blame. Its desire to spread communism to countries in desperation is the main cause of it all. Instead of letting countries solve their own problems, the Soviets had to go and spread communism along with take them over. Starting with the taking of Poland, and then Romania and Bulgaria, the Cold War was set in stone as the Soviets starting taking over Eastern Europe.
    However, at the same time, the United States is also to blame for the Cold War. Similarly to the Soviets, the U.S's inability to stay out of foreign conflict brought about the war. The U.S's desire to spread democracy in Europe is also a reason for the war. Instead of simply staying in its own country, the U.S.'s somewhat imperialistic mindset was also a what sparked the Cold War.

  11. Both, the USA and USSR made mistakes and were suspicious of each other. Their relations became hostile and any action claimed as self-defence was seen as aggression from the other side. Therefore both superpowers were to blame. Firstly, the USSR took over Eastern Europe. This was seen as a threat to Truman. The Soviet Union was responsible for the start of the Cold War because they were trying to make an powerful army. When the U.S. found out that they were doing they tried to prevent it.The Cold War began in the first two years after the end of the Second World War in 1945. The USSR builded up its control over the states of the Eastern Bloc while the United States began a strategy of global containment to challenge Soviet power, extending military and financial aid to the countries of Western Europe. The Berlin Blockade was the first major crisis of the Cold War.
    Furthermore, Berlin Blockade was another powerful evidence to support the view that both sides were to blame for the Cold war. The USA and the USSR had very different ideas and neither side trusted the other. Their relationship was weird any attempt by one to help Germany was viewed as a threat to the other side. For example Stalin aimed to Blockade Berlin because from his view point the USA wanted to rebuild West Germany in order to attack him. The USA did not appreciate this view. Their aim was to supply the people in West Germany with food etc. So the USA and the USSR were both to blame for the start of the cold war.

  12. A.K
    I think both, The Soviet Union and the U.S are to blame for the start of the Cold War. Both made contributions which led to the start of the Cold War. After World War II both the Soviet Union and the U.S were seen as strong countries. Both countries had their own faults which caused this war.
    The U.S didn't like the act that communism was highly increasing. They argued against allowing communism to spread. This caused more problems to break out. The collapse of the Soviet Union also contributed to the cause of the Cold War.

  13. Both of the Soviet Union and United State should be blamed for the start of the Cold War. As a common sense, an argument doesn't start alone. The same thing apply to War. President Truman is being too sensitive about Communism and start to give out the Truman Doctrine. This is a fault on the United States side.The Truman Doctrine gives out aids to other country, in another way, is to oppose against communism. For sure, the Soviet Union is not happy with it. Therefore, the tense developed. One thing to blame about the Soviet Union is that it conquer the east Europe and created a sphere of Communism. While the other half of Europe is adopted to democratic. Stalin's action is causing controversy. The relationship between the two countries is very tensed. Therefore, for the start of Cold War, it is both the fault of Soviet Union and United States.

  14. I think both the Soviet Union and the U.S. are to blame for the start of the Cold War. The Soviet Union is to blame because Stalin desired to use Communism to take over the world. Stalin's control over Eastern Europe was another cause of the Cold War.

    U.S. are also to blame because they wanted to control and influence the sphere of influence without the interference of other nations. But the U.S. wanted to interfere with Soviet Union's sphere of influence. This made it appear that U.S wanted to take action, while the Soviet Union were trying to defend themselves. Stalin wanted many things to happen to Germany during conferences. Disagreements between the two sides also greatly influenced the cause of the Cold War.


  15. The cold war was a conflict between ideologies. The Soviet Union represented the communist ideology and the U.S. represented democracy/capitalism. The Soviet Union wanted to spread itself to other nations. On the other hand, the U.S. wanted to contain communism while spreading democracy and capitalism. But the cold war in part of The Soviet Union’s actions.
    The Soviet Union was looked at as if tried to force its ideology on other nations. This is a major issue because other nations may not want to adopt this form of government. Also they never withdrew their troops from Eastern Europe which shows that they wanted to forcefully spread this. They also started building up their military in case of conflict, which added tension to the situation.

  16. The Cold War Origins
    I strongly believe that the Soviets were to blame in starting the cold war. There is much evidence that strongly justify my believes, some of which include, the soviet’s over aggressive actions and decisions which aim towards the pressure of spreading communism and slowly declining the system of democracy. One of the major goals after World War II was to rebuild broken and war torn nations to help restore power and in hopes to avoid the use of a communist government which was written in the Marshall Plan.
    Furthermore, the Soviet’s aggressive actions in Poland started igniting the fire, one of them being the “iron curtain” which built a barrier isolating Eastern Europe from Western Europe to stop the spreading ideas of democracy to the communist ruled society. Soon, Soviet leaders will enforce this imaginary wall by being an actual wall which prevents the people from leaving or entering Eastern Europe known as the Berlin Wall. These were only small sparks as soon later we will see that there is massive defense spending (nuclear missiles) to the great bragging rights of launching the first satellite into space, Sputnik. Thus, these are reasons which I believe the Soviets were to blame in starting the cold war.

  17. I would say both countries should be blamed for the start of the Cold War. The Soviet Union took aggressive actions in East Europe, and United Sates overreacted to those actions. After WWII, Europe was divided by capitalism and communism. U.S. provided economic support to those who were threatened by the Soviet, claiming that if communism spread through Europe, it will soon spread the entire world. U.S. tried the best to contain Communism expansion;however, it gave both sides enough power to completely destroy each other.
    The goal for Soviet Union is to spread Communism and totalitarianism; however the goal for United States is contradictory, which is to spread capitalism and democracy. The tense between Soviet and United States had not decline, but kept increasing. President Truman is aware of Soviet's action and had started Truman Doctrine, which had angered the Soviets. Both countries can't start a war without a proper cause, which had made the citizens' lives fearful. The blame for the start of the Cold War should be shared by both United States and the Soviet Union.

  18. Both the United States and the Soviet Union should be blamed for the start of the Cold War. Both nations took part in this fearful time in history. The United States technically dropped the bomb first which counts as the first move in this war. But also the Soviet Union tempted them by constant fear of spreading communism and communism attacks. The Cold War was caused by the military expansionism of Stalin and his successors. The American response was basically a defensive reaction. The US goals was to spread capitalism and democracy & to create markets for US goods. Soviet goals was to spread communism and totalitarianism and dominate eastern Europe.
    As the cold war progressed, everyday life became a fear. The arms race began. Both sides increased defense spending and the superpower rivalry lead up to a massive military buildup. neither side wanted to fire because then the other would have to launch a stronger and more powerful than the one launched before. it would just end up in a huge nuclear war and that is why both sides intimidated each other to not start a nuclear war.GM

  19. In my opinion, the Cold War was the direct result of Stalin's aggressive Soviet expansionism. The Cold War was caused by the military expansionism of Stalin and his successors. The United States' response was mainly a defense reaction. As long as Soviet leaders clung to their dream of imposing Communism on the world, the West had no way of ending the conflict.

    To continue, another opinion is that the Cold War was caused by America 's attempt to cooperate with Russia as a country that had common enemies. Adding on, America should have taken a firm stance against Russia from the beginning instead of falling for the slickness of Russia and it's leader. The United States could have been pulled in to the Cold War from being pressured. Possibly, they joined because they thought they'd be able to solve a problem that has stirred between two power nations.

    - D.L.
