Class Guidelines

Welcome to Global History II. This year we will be studying the emergence of global interaction from the Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Globalization. Throughout the course of our study we will be focusing on understanding important ideas, making connections between different civilizations, recognizing similarities and differences in societies and events, determining the causes and effects of events, and connecting history to the present day. The ideas covered in this class and the knowledge acquired will be critical to your success on the Regents Examination, which you will take at the end of your Global Studies sequence. This should be an exciting semester and to ensure that we are all benefiting from each other's presence, we have a few classroom rules.

1. Attendance.     If you are absent, please leave a note by my desk upon your return and I will sign it and return it to you by the end of class. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all work missed. Worksheets from previous days can be found at the front of the classroom in the appropriate box.

2. Lateness.  All students should be in their assigned seats before the second bell.  If you are late to class, please be sure to sign the Late Sign-in section of the blackboard at the front of the room upon entering.

3. Classroom Routine. Please take your assigned seat when entering the room. Be sure all hats, cell phones, mp3 players, etc. are out of sight! Begin work immediately on the Do Now activity found on the board. All handouts and assignment sheets will be available at the front of the room at the beginning of class.  All work should be completed in a 3 Ring Binder or notebook in blue or black ink! And, all work should be dated.

4. Homework.  Homework will be assigned regularly and will be collected and checked.    It is the responsibility of the student to turn in assignments the day they are due.  If a student is absent, they are to make up the assignment the following day.

5. Exams.  All tests will be announced in advance.  If a student is absent on the day of an exam, a make-up will be given upon their return to school with an absent note.

6. Participation.  Class participation is vital and shows your interest in the class. Everyone will have chance to speak, but not all at once. Please raise your hand!

7. Grades.  Grades are based on: tests/quizzes/projects (60%), attendance/participation (25%), homework (15%).

8. Room and Respect.  Please treat everyone with respect: each other, the teacher and school property.  Basically, obey the golden rule: ''treat others the way you expect to be treated!" Also, in order to keep the room clean, only beverages in plastic, re-sealable bottles will be permitted in the room; leave the eating for your lunch period!

9. Extra Help. Extra Credit and extra help are available when needed! Extra help is always available before or after school or when scheduled with the teacher.
I expect that each of you will adhere to these rules, however on the occasion that you violate a rule there will be a consequence. Remember you have the choice of whether or not to conduct yourself in a manner that leads to positive or negative consequences. 

The consequences are as follows:
1. Verbal Warning 2. Informal talk with teacher after class 3. Call home 4. Parent teacher/ student conference
5. Visit to an administrator

As your teacher, I reserve the right to change the order in which consequences are taken depending on the seriousness of the violation. On the flip side of the negative consequences are incentives. I appreciate hard work and good behavior and I will reward these actions from time to time. Some of these incentives include the opportunity to earn extra credit through additional assignments.

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